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Study Hydroponics Course and Understand Its Scientific Art

Experience Hydroponic Farming through specialized training sponsored by IHT School of Hydroponic experts and explore favored benefits in your business

Being a commercial Hydroponic farming model, a lot of prospective entrepreneurs have joined the green revolution in assistance with engineers & professionals from various fields like engineers, IT, aeronautics, and commerce. Most beginners and hobbyists use this farming technique to grow fruits, vegetables and herbs for themselves in a controlled environment on their rooftop or ground.

Hydroponics Benefits

Unleash a wider range of aspects through Hydroponic Farming in a few steps and gain maximum benefits within a specified time.

Maximizes Space

Conserves Water

Facilitates a Micro - Climate

Produces Higher Yields

Require Less Labor

Needs No Soil

Produce Higher Quality Food

Reduces Supply Chain

Predictability and Seasonality

Crops Grow Faster

What is Hydroponic?

Hydroponic Agriculture is a technology-based, most productive, advanced soil-less method of farming enabling the growth of vegetables in a controlled environment. Here, the vegetables and fruits are grown disease-free, fresh anddelicious, and are rich in nutrition. This soilless farming is done without the use of any fertilizers, pesticides, or chemicals, paving the way for a most sophisticated and highly profitable business. Hydroponics is an emerging soil free agriculture, wherein plants are grown in nutrient solutions without soil.

Hydroponic farming systems are getting very popular worldwide as these arehighly productive/ profitable in less space. Urbanization, natural disaster, climate change, indiscriminate use of chemicals and pesticides that deplete the land fertility are restricting the soil cultivation of crops. Hydroponics is growing popular day by day because- it takes less time to grow the crops than conventional growing, round the year production, minimal disease and pest incidence and overall water conservation. Hydroponics appeals to people because they can control plant growth better in a hydroponics system. Due to these reasons, in India, the hydroponic sector is growing immensely.

In this technique flowers, herbs, and vegetables are sown in growing media which is supplied with nutrients, oxygen, and water. This technique promotes profuse growth and development, better yields, and superior quality. A plant grown in soil constantly sorts out the required nutrition from soil to support its growth and development, while a hydroponic plant grown in nutrient solution, doesn’t ought to exert extra energy in sustaining itself. The energy the roots would have exhausted exploiting food and water, now will be redirected into the plant’s own growth and development. As a result, leaf growth as well as fruits and blooming prospers.

Plants sustain themselves by a method referred to as Photosynthesis. In this process, plants capture daylight with the help of the green pigment called as chlorophyll (an inexperienced pigment gift in their leaves). They use the light’s energy to separate water molecules they’ve absorbed via their root system. Then the adsorbed Carbon DiOxide with water molecule forms the food — carbohydrates in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll; that plants use to nourish themselves. In this process, Oxygen is released into the atmosphere, a vital source for the habitability of our planet. So, plants need the soil for water and nutrients only. Hence, when nutrients and water are supplied directly to the plant’s root system in Hydroponics technology, it can be more effective and versatile method of growth than traditional irrigation.

Components of Hydroponic Growing Systems

To maintain a flourishing Hydroponic growing system, you will need to become acquainted with a few components that make Hydroponics run efficiently.

Hydroponic Substratese

Hydroponic plants are often supported in the inert substrate that support the plant's weight and anchors its root structure. Substrates offer unique structures as they can hold water and retain sufficient air space to promote the most root growth.

Hydroponic Nutrients

For Hydroponic plants, balanced nutrient solution is the essential source of mineral nutrients for the plant to feed the plant nutrients. Because of the soil-less mechanism, Hydroponic plants gain their nutrients from the water that is rich in nutrients.

Hydroponic Greenhouse

Hydroponic greenhouse provides protection and maintains optimal growing conditions throughout the growth and development of the crop. This method helps in the prevention of land degradation caused due to various types of crop production practices, and reduces soil erosion.

Hydroponic Pests Free

Maximum Hydroponic crops are eaten raw, hence pest management modules are necessary for the production of healthy pesticide residue-free produce. It helps do away with the use of pesticides and fertilizers for the safety and growth of crops.

Hydroponic Lights

Hydroponic lights are used for providing the eminent supply of lights to grow plants during the process of Hydroponic growth. Just like the use of sunlight for crop production, here Hydroponics lights are used to grow crops properly.

Hydroponic Water

Hydroponic crops need a proper water supply to grow plants. Here, water is essential for growth. As the mechanism is soil-less, so water-rich in plant nutrients, is essential for the growth of crops. Without water, the Hydroponic crops won’t bud.

Why Hydroponics?

To maintain a flourishing Hydroponic growing system, you will need to become acquainted with a few components that make Hydroponics run efficiently. With the installation of new technologies for Hydroponic farming, the modern methods of farming also revolutionized. This method of farming focused on disseminating the use of pesticides, chemicals, and fertilizers for plant growth. This method paved the way for the use of modern IT infrastructures to uphold greenhouse and prevent the depletion of biological and environmental degradation.

Future of Hydro Farming

Urban Hydroponics is the most advanced technology and research-based, soil-free agriculture. Thus retaining all the nutrients from the water and preventing the use of pesticides and fertilizers – eventually growing a disease-free plant. This highly specified water farming is posing a lot of future growth to beginners and prospective entrepreneurs. The recent reports by DataM Intelligence showed that the Indian Hydroponics Market is expected to reach a CAGR level of 13.53 per cent. Hydroponic cultivation which is currently at its nascent stage is expected to reach these levels by 2020-2027. Thus, India can reach maximum productivity within years if a Hydroponics system is installed.

During Covid 19 – Amid the pandemic situation in India, the country faced severe challenges in productivity & transporting of vegetables and fruits to prone areas. Thus, the acceptance of Hydroponics in regular households and installation of Hydroponics systems would allow equal food facilities to each household in the country.

If proper knowledge to each individual about Hydroponics system then all can grow food for themselves. This system occupies less space, requires only water, round the year production, high productivity and profitability, and grows disease-free plants. For Entrepreneurs, Hobbyists and Progressive Growers, Hydroponic Farming has helped them to grow fruits, vegetables and herbs and earn profitable incomes by selling fresh and disease-free food.