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Capitalizing on Hydroponic

Advantages in the Times of

Rapid Urbanization

Capitalizing on Hydroponic Advantages in the Times of Rapid Urbanization

Capitalizing on Hydroponic Advantages in the Times of Rapid Urbanization

It is reckoned by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that by 2050 one out of every three individuals of 9.1 billion population in the world would be living in the urban areas, leading to burgeoning demand for fresh vegetables and fruits in the urban areas. Fetching voluminous horticultural produce from the fields located in the far-off lands mostly in the rural areas will not only increase the energy requirements for transportation but cost spent on cool chain shall be phenomenal. Hydroponic farming of horticultural food crops such as vegetables and herbs right in the urban settings by utilizing vertical space with highest resource use efficiency under controlled environments will not only save the energy but will also provide vegetables and other hydroponic produce that is free of chemical and pesticidal residues. Most vegetables, particularly leafy vegetables are high volume and their degree of perishability is quite high compared to fruit vegetables, fortunately leafy salad vegetable like lettuces are most suited for growing in a hydroponic system to meet the demand in cities and metros. However, over the last few years hydroponic broccoli and basils have become most favourite with the consumers in North America. Hydroponic basil yield per plant (100g to 300 g/) being rather high has helped basils to take over other hydroponic crops in most hydroponic set ups in the US.