Hydroponic Produce
Scores Over Organic
in Food Safety Assurance
Hydroponic, an innovative farming system is fast establishing its superiority over conventional and organic food production systems. As regards organic system of food production, there are two major reasons for its promotion, first, to check environmental and soil degradation and second, to produce food free of chemical residues that would be healthier for human consumption. The logic that food safety assurance of hydroponically produced food may be much higher than the food produced in an organic production system stems from the fact that hydroponic food is raised without soil in pure inorganic nutrient solution as against food produced in organic system in soil that may contain E. Coli or harmful chemicals like chlorides and radioactive residues that might creep in from unrefined chloride and phosphatic fertilizers permitted in organic farming. Moreover, since hydroponic farming is carried out indoors in a sterilized environment that is free of insects and pests the chances of pesticidal residues are bare minimum. Therefore, demand for chemical free food can be met with greater assurance from hydroponically grown food rather than from food grown under an organic food production system, let alone the conventional farming. Above context brings it home as to why there is hydroponic rising demand in hotel, restaurant and hospitality industry. Another interesting fact about hydroponic farming is that one can see the entire system operating indoors under complete monitoring and management at one place, thus hotel guests can see for themselves as to how the fresh food for them is being produced in a living plant facory.